Stalking occurs when a person engages in a course of conduct, through, unwelcome physical, verbal, or electronic conduct or communication, that is directed at a specific individual causing that individual to fear for their own or another's safety or to suffer substantial emotional distress. Stalking includes cyberstalking which uses electronic media including the internet, social networks, blogs, cell phones, text messages, or other similar modes of communication and contact used with the intent to pursue, harass, or make unwelcome unsolicited contact with another person. A pattern of conduct consists of more than two or more continuous unwelcome acts, incidents, contacts, or events. A single intentional violation of a protective order is stalking. Substantial emotional distress means significant mental suffering or anguish that may, but does not necessarily require, medical treatment or professional counseling.


Persistent nonconsensual communication by:
  • Phone
  • Text
  • Social Media
  • Email
  • Visual or physical proximity
  • Leaving unwanted cards, notes, gifts, or items for the targeted person
  • Vandalizing the target’s personal property, vehicle, or residence
  • Extortion of money or valuables
  • Verbal, written or implied threats