What types of complaints does OIE investigate?

OIE investigates a range of complaints alleging violations of NMSU discrimination policy and Federal and State anti-discrimination laws, including Title IX. Examples of areas investigated are Age, Color, Disability, Domestic/Romantic/Dating Violence, Equal Pay, Gender: (Male/Female), Gender Identity/Gender Expression, Medical Condition/FMLA, National Origin, Race/Ethnicity/Ancestry, Religion, Retaliation, Sexual Harassment/Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Assault (including non-consensual sex), Stalking, Sexual Orientation, and Veteran Status/Military Status.

How do I file a complaint?

  • Complaints can be filed with OIE either in person, by regular mail, by email or online. OIE’s office is located on NMSU’s main campus at the O’Loughlin House, 1130 University Avenue, Las Cruces, NM. OIE’s mailing address is MSC 3515, PO Box 30001, Las Cruces, NM 88003. OIE’s direct email address is equity@nmsu.edu and the online complaint form can be found on OIE’s website located at https://equity.nmsu.edu/home/incident-report.html.

Why should I file a complaint?

  • OIE keeps all complaints and inquiries on file in our database. Your complaint will assist us in redressing any violation of policy impacting your ability to work and learn at NMSU, as well as assist us in identifying patterns of conduct that may impact the entire NMSU community. Even one incident may constitute a violation of policy, rule, or procedure and should be reported. Employees are required to report potential violations observed or reported.

If I file a complaint, will it stay confidential?

  • It depends. OIE must weigh requests for confidentiality against the University’s obligation to provide a safe, non-discriminatory environment for all students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Requests for confidentiality will be evaluated on a case by case basis. In certain circumstances, the University is required by law to disclose information and as such, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. For more information regarding confidentiality, please see NMSU Administrative Rules and Procedures, Rule 3.25

Do I have to file a complaint to get resources and assistance through OIE?

  • No. It is not necessary that you file an OIE complaint in order for OIE to work with you to ensure that you continue your education. We can assist you with interim measures, including no-contact orders, leniency from professors, etc. even if you decide not to file a complaint.

If I file a complaint will it be included in my academic record?

  • No, the OIE investigative process is completely separate from the academic process and your complaint will not become part of your academic record. If a complaint results in discipline, that discipline may become a part of the academic record of the individual receiving the discipline.

I have an interview at OIE regarding a complaint, can I bring someone with me?

  • Yes. An employee or student who may come in for an interview and/or meeting with OIE can bring a support person with them. However, the discussion or questions will be directed to the employee or student. A support person is present to support the individual during the meeting or interview, not to speak on their behalf or otherwise disrupt the interview.

Something happened to me off campus, do I still need to file a report?

  • You never have to file a complaint; however, we encourage you to do. NMSU reserves the option to take jurisdiction in cases involving sexual violence, sexual assault, or rape that involve students or employees, but that occur off-campus. However, if the incident occurred off-campus, NMSU’s ability to take direct action against a particular perpetrator may be limited. Regardless, OIE must still take steps to provide appropriate remedies for the complainant and, where appropriate, the larger school population.

What happens after I file a complaint?

  • After a complaint is filed, OIE reviews the allegations and a decision is made to either accept or deny the matter for investigation. If accepted, OIE initiates an investigation that can include witness interviews and review of any relevant documentation.

If my complaint is not accepted for investigation, can I appeal?

  • Yes, if your complaint is not accepted for investigation, you can appeal. A formal internal discrimination complaint is initially reviewed to determine if the complaint will proceed to an investigation. If the initial review finds that the complaint will not be accepted for investigation, the OIE Executive Director will inform the complainant in writing of the decision.

What medical information do I need to petition for an ADA accommodation for my disability?

  • Employees who file a petition for an ADA accommodation will need to have the Medical Information Form completed by their attending physician. Your Medical Provider is to send the Medical Information Form directly to OIE. It is to be submitted one of the following ways:
    • Fax: (575) 646-2182
    • Email: equity@nmsu.edu
    • Mail: Office of Institutional Equity, New Mexico State University, P.O. Box 30001, MSC 3515, Las Cruces, NM 88003
          It is the responsibility of the employee to follow-up with their medical provider to ensure the Medical Information Form was sent to OIE

If I file a petition for an ADA accommodation, will my medical information be shared with my supervisor/co-workers?

  • No. An employee’s medical information is confidential and will not be shared with their supervisor or co-workers. However, it is the employee’s responsibility to ensure that their supervisor has the accommodation memo issued by OIE and to provide the memo when it is requested by a supervisor.

What is a religious accommodation?

  • A religious accommodation is an adjustment to either the work or class environment, such as scheduling, in order to accommodate the employee or student’s religious beliefs. The need for religious accommodation may arise where an individual's religious beliefs, observances or practices conflict with a specific task or a requirement of the job. Such accommodations often relate to work schedules, dress, grooming, or religious expression in the workplace or academic environment. Upon the filing of a request for accommodation, an assessment will be made to determine whether the accommodation, if granted, would create or cause an undue hardship. OIE will work with the petitioner and their supervisor, to develop reasonable religious accommodations when practicable.

I am pregnant.  Do I need to file a petition for an accommodation?

  • Employees seeking pregnancy-related leave or other accommodations or parental leave should first contact Human Resource Services. Students seeking pregnancy accommodations should contact the Office of Institutional Equity at 575-646-3635 or they can request an accommodation at: https://equity.nmsu.edu/home/pregnancy-accommodation.htmlIn addition, while a routine pregnancy is not covered by NMSU policies on disability accommodations, impairments arising from pregnancy might be.

Position Announcements, Required Language:

The university has incorporated the equal employment opportunity clause in all position announcements, purchase orders, leases, contracts, etc., covered by Executive Order 11246, as amended, and its implementation regulations. That clause reads:
  • “New Mexico State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer; Minorities, Females, Veterans, and those with a Disability are encouraged to apply."
A shortened version is also authorized:
  • “NMSU an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer”